BabyFetus Ticker

September 29, 2009

One More Day!

The family photos were taken at my wedding 3 years ago October 5. And sadly, they are the only family photos I have. I'll fix that this weekend! But I am coming up on my 3rd anniversary so they are rather fitting. Happy Anniversary DAVID! 3 years is a long time.

It's been over a year since I've been home and since I've seen most of my family. But, I am going home tomorrow and I finally get to hug my family. I finally get to see Emmett, I haven't seen him since he was a month old. I get to hang out with Stephanie, Scott, Orren, Emmett, Mom, Dad, Aly, Steven, Becky, Kumen, Adriana, Aaron, Ben, Zach, Jared, Nana, Papa, Ryan, Sarah, Ruth, Tate, Cheryl, David, Tyler, Nathan, Emma, and my friend Elyse and new baby Olive. So many people! So many great relationships. I have so many plans I could see myself not sleeping. But that's totally fine, maybe I'll just drink a lot of caffeine! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!


Cardalls said...

can't wait to see you too!

Kath said...

Have a blast Mindi!!